10 ways to be less stressed at work

Everyone else might be running around like a headless chicken at work, but it doesn't mean that you have to. There are lots of reasons you could feel stressed at work. When we experience something new, unexpected, or feel we have little control over a situation, it can trigger stress. And even though you feel like you might be the only one, a staggering 74% of adults in the UK have felt so stressed and overwhelmed they can't cope.

The thing is, you can't control how other people act; or what they do or say. But you can take a little bit of control back with how you react to the situation you're in and how you can set yourself up for success rather than stress. 

You might think you have no control, but I promise you, you do. The suggestions below were revelations after working for 12 years in the corporate world. Of course, you don't have to consider them all at once (although that would be pretty impressive!), but incorporating a couple into your week could make a big difference. 

This list is taken from a recent podcast, which you can listen to in full here.   

  1. No one is going to die if you take a lunch break. So take the lunch break and move away from your desk.

  2. It's okay to fail. Just hold up your hands and be honest.

  3. You don't have to have all the answers. It's okay to say you don't know.

  4. Don't wear a badge of honour for coming into work early and leaving late. And be wary of teams that encourage that.

  5. Everyone defines success differently. Don't assume that yours is the same as someone else's.

  6. Set boundaries, and don't be scared to say no. The more you do it, the easier it will get.

  7. Everyone's problem will be urgent for you to deal with. Don't get sucked up in their urgency without understanding if it needs to be urgent for you.

  8. You'll never finish your to-do list. So stop staying late to get everything done.

  9. Manage people's expectations and keep people up to date with what's going on with their 'thing.' It will be worth it in the long run.

  10. Book a holiday. Work will survive without you - it's not that deep.

So, which of these do you think you're going to try first? I'd love to know what you plan to do. Then, head over to the anti-hustle club on Instagram and TikTok to be up to date with the latest tips. 


How to deal with feeling stressed - five tips


Interview with Recess Living