Our story

This was me in 2019. I was working in the corporate world, living my best life (or so I thought)

On paper, everything was great. But in reality that wasn’t the case. I’d been having panic attacks for months, was constantly stressed out and I’d put myself to the bottom of the pile.

Little did I know, I was only weeks away from being signed off work after having a mental breakdown.

I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. I felt like I’d fallen off a cliff.

As part of my recovery, I worked with a psychologist and talked a lot about my values. Long story short (because this is only one page on a website!)

I retrained to be an accredited life coach in 2020.

Quite quickly, I noticed that my clients weren’t looking after themselves properly, or grasping the importance of self care - so I started The Anti-Hustle Club in 2022.

We’re a wellbeing business designed to make self care simple.

This picture was taken at our pop-up shop in John Lewis Oxford Street!